The Americana Unit
     of the ATA

 The Americana Unit was founded in 1951 by a group of members of the American Topical Association who were interested in the study of those stamps from around the world that depict some aspect of "AMERICANA". It could be U.S. Presidents, The U.S. Flag, The Statue of Liberty, Famous Americans, Famous American Landmarks (Mount Rushmore, The Grand Canyon or any philatelic recognition of the history, culture or ideals of the United States of America.

Since 1951 the scope of Americana philately has grown to include the US conquest of space and the bicentennial of the American Revolution and the Bicentennial of the Statue of Liberty. The Americana Unit is the largest and most active philatelic club devoted to the collecting of stamps covers and other philatelic material related to the topic of Americana. In 1972 the Unit affiliated the American Philatelic Society (APS) as Unit number 40.

The unit publishes a quarterly journal called Americana Philatelic News. Each 24 page issue contains feature articles on various Americana topics, new issue listings and officer reports. You are invited to join with other collectors from all parts of the US (and some overseas) who enjoy collecting the topic of AMERICANA.

The ATA Logo

The Americana Unit is member Organization of the ATA

The Americana Unit is a member Organization of the APS

For Collectors of all phases of Americana Philately

Contact US


You can use the following e-mail addresses to contact us. We do not use e-mail links any more because we get to much junk email. Copy it down and add it to your address book or cut and paste into your email.


Americana Stamp


The Americana Unit has several booklets on Americana Topics. Each handbook is priced at $3.00 postpaid. Checks and money orders be made payable to: Americana Unit. All orders for these handbooks ONLY should be sent to Americana Unit, Secretary's Office, 17 Peckham Road, Poughkeepsie, NY 12603-2018 USA


1. Christopher Columbus Philately, Ata Handbook #121, published in 1992
2. USPS Bicentennial Postmarks, Ata Handbook #110 published in 1982
3. Statue of Liberty Stamps and Postmarks, Handbook #58, published 1988
4. Americana on Foreign Stamps Vol One, Handbook #58, published in 1967
5. Americana on Foregin Stamps Vol Two, Handbook #85, published in 1975
6. Eleanor & Franklin Roosevelt on Stamps, Handbook # 48, published 1965
7. Abraham Lincoln on Worldwide Stamps, Handbook #135, published 1998
8. George Washington on Stamps, Handbook # 132, published in 1997
9. J.F.K. & his Family on Stamps, Handbook #127, published in 1995


Monument Valley